"White Deer Partners has provided us the transparency and consistency to draw meaningful portfolio insights and optimize value, rather than debate point estimates of hundreds of data inputs. The use of technical, timing, and commercial uncertainty is becoming part of the language at our organization, inspiring more thoughtful discussion across R&D leadership and better decisions within the nearly $1B of annual R&D investment.”
Director, R&D Strategy, Office of the Chief Scientific Officer
"REALLY enjoyed the organization decision process. Thanks for introducing it to me and the team. Look forward to more future collaborations!"
Associate Director, Medical Affairs
"I appreciated the open dialogue that was fostered. We got to the key issues fairly quickly using a simple and pragmatic methodology."
VP, Global Marketing
"….a leap forward with our desire to have better scenario planning."
Senior Director, Program and Portfolio Management
"White Deer Partners truly added value to each initiative by providing a structured, statistical framework for looking at extremely complex capacity and life cycle management decisions within a portfolio of products. Phil’s ability to provide an outside perspective, yet also demonstrate a true understanding of the business was appreciated by both the working teams and senior management. His calm demeanor and excellent ability to explain decision science to those new to the field gained him a reputation as a go-to partner within our franchise. His framework for looking at difficult questions became a gold standard among my teams."
Senior Manager, Global Marketing
"White Deer Partners led several teams through an innovative decision analysis process focused on helping us to flesh out our development strategies and specific development options, including their related risks and costs. I find myself likening Phil to Captain “Sully” Sullenberger (the American Airline pilot who successfully landed what seemed to be a doomed flight in the Hudson River with all surviving) given the calm and poise with which Phil carried himself and led our teams through uncertainty in what’s now seemingly become an industry standard/ best practice."
Vice President, Project Management
"I like working w/ Phil because he works collaboratively with teams to drive decisions based on facts to get to an outcome quickly. "
Senior Director, Program & Portfolio Management (PPM) – Operations